The Tough Calls are sponsored by Fiziocentrs – a well known physiotherapy clinic in Latvia. The videos shown below will help to understand the game, referees and rules.
Blue team in offense, Blue 5 drives to the basket, while his teammate Blue 19 sets a screen to defender White 35. Contact occurs between Blue 19 and White 35, the White 35 falls. The referees stop a game, calling illegal screen by Blue 19 .
FIBA OBRI 33.7. Legal screening is when the player who is screening an opponent:
Was stationary (inside his cylinder) when contact occurred.
Had both feet on the floor when contact occurred.
Illegal screening is when the player who is screening an opponent:
Was moving when contact occurred.
Did not give sufficient distance in setting a screen outside the field of vision of a
stationary opponent when contact occurred.
Did not respect the elements of time and distance of an opponent in motion when
contact occurred.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. When contact between Blue 19 and White 35 occured, Blue 19 was not stationary in his cylinder, did not respected the elements of time and distance. Offense illegal screen foul by Blue 19.
End of the third quarter, White 1 drives to the basket and makes a shot. Ball touches backboard and after that defender Black 21 touch the ball. Referees call a goaltending violation, count a basket.
FIBA OBRI 31.2.1. Goaltending and Interference
Goaltending occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and:
It is on its downward flight to the basket, or
After it has touched the backboard.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. When Black 21 touches a ball, ball has already touched the backboard. Basket counts and throw-in from the end line by Black team follows.
White team in offense, White 15 drives to the basket and makes a shot. His defender Black 21 kicks the ball out from shooters hands, grabs the ball in both hands, and starts a fast break to the other side. In a moment, when Black 21 grabs a ball, he steps on the base line and referees call out of bounds violation. In a moment, when Black 21 grabs a ball, shot clock shows 16 seconds. After a short communication between referees, the shot clock is reset to 14 seconds with throw-in for the White team.
FIBA OBRI 14.1.3. Team control ends when:
An opponent gains control. Definition
FIBA OBRI 22.1. A violation is an infraction of the rules.
FIBA OBRI 22.2. Penalty . The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in from the place nearest to the infraction, except directly behind the backboard, unless otherwise stated in these rules.
FIBA OBRI 23.1.1. A player is out-of-bounds when any part of his body is in contact with the floor, or
any object other than a player above, on or outside the boundary line
FIBA OBRI 23.2.1. Principle of verticality.
The defensive player must not be penalised for leaving the floor vertically (within his cylinder) or having his hands and arms extended above him within his own cylinder.
FIBA OBRI 29.2.2. The shot clock shall be reset whenever a throw-in is awarded to the opponents’ team after the game is stopped by a referee for a foul or violation (including for the ball having gone out-of-bounds) committed by the team in control of the ball.
If the throw-in is then administered in that team’s:
Backcourt, the shot clock shall be reset to a new 24 seconds.
Frontcourt, the shot clock shall be reset to 14 seconds.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. Defender Black 12 jumps vertically, within his cylinder, as a legal guarding position, and kicks the ball out from shooters hands. After Black 12 grabs the ball with two hands, starting a new control, and he steps on the base line. Referees call out of bounds violation. As Black 12 already had the ball, throw in for the White team will be from the place, where Defender Black 12 stepped on the line. Shot clock reset to 14’ seconds for White team.
Author: Oskars Lucis, ENBL Head of referees