The Tough Calls are sponsored by Fiziocentrs – a well known physiotherapy clinic in Latvia. The videos shown below will help to understand the game, referees and rules.
White team is in offense, White 12 makes 3.p. shot. After a shot player fells down, simulating that he has been fouled by defender Black 22. The referees leave the situation as a No call.
FIBA OBRI 33.16. Fake is any action by a player to simulate that he has been fouled or to make theatrical exaggerated movements in order to create an opinion of being fouled and therefore gaining an advantage.
FIBA OBRI 36.2.1. A technical foul is a player non-contact foul of a behavioural nature including, but not limited to: Fake being fouled.
Outcome: incorrect decision from the referees. White 12 simulates that he has been fouled and makes theatrical exaggerated movements to create an opinion of being fouled. Referees should have penalized White 12 with a Technical foul.
Defender Black 7 jumps forward to guard White 0’s shot and contacts a shooter. Shot is not successful. Referees call an act of shooting foul by Black 7 and award White 0 with three free throw shots.
FIBA OBRI 15.1.2. The act of shooting on a shot:
Begins when the player starts, in the judgement of a referee, to move the ball upwards towards the opponents’ basket.
Ends when the ball has left the player’s hand(s), or if an entirely new act of shooting is made and, in case of an airborne shooter, both feet have returned to the floor.
FIBA OBRI 34.2.2. If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting, that player shall be awarded a number of free throws as follows:
If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting and the goal is not made, 2 or 3 free throws.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. Black 7 has a contact with shooter White 0 before he lands with both feet on the floor, which makes it as an act of shooting landing personal foul.
Blue 24 drives to the basket and makes a shot. During a shot contact happens with a defender Yellow 2, who jumps vertically to guard a shot. Referees call act of shooting foul by Yellow 2.
FIBA OBRI 15.1.2. The act of shooting on a shot:
Begins when the player starts, in the judgement of a referee, to move the ball upwards towards the opponents’ basket.
Ends when the ball has left the player’s hand(s), or if an entirely new act of shooting is made and, in case of an airborne shooter, both feet have returned to the floor.
FIBA OBRI 33.2. The defensive player must not be penalised for leaving the floor vertically (within his cylinder) or having his hands and arms extended above him within his own cylinder.
Outcome: incorrect decision from the referees. Yellow 2 has a legal guarding position, jumps vertically, when contact with Blue 24 occurs. Referees should have left this situation as a No call.
Yellow 21 drives to the basket and makes a shot. During a shot contact happens with defender Red 10. Referees call an Offensive charging foul by Yellow 21.
FIBA OBRI 33.2. The offensive player, whether on the floor or airborne, shall not cause contact with the defensive player in a legal guarding position by:
Using his arms to create more space for himself (pushing off).
Spreading his legs or arms to cause contact during or immediately after a shot for a field goal.
FIBA OBRI 33.3. A defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position when:
He is facing his opponent, and
He has both feet on the floor.
FIBA OBRI 33.4. The player with the ball must expect to be guarded and must be prepared to stop or change his direction whenever an opponent takes an initial legal guarding position in front of him, even if this is done within a fraction of a second.
When judging a charge/block situation involving a player with the ball, a referee shall use the following principles :
The defensive player must establish an initial legal guarding position by facing
the player with the ball and having both feet on the floor.
Contact must occur on the torso, in which case the defensive player would be considered as having been at the place of contact first.
In any of the above situations, the contact shall be considered as having been caused by the player with the ball.
Outcome: correct decision from the referees. Red 10 has a legal guarding position, when Yellow 21 makes a contact, which makes it an Offensive Charge Personal foul.
Yellow 8 runs to set the screen, but is contacted by defender Red 12, who after the contact fells down. Referees call an offensive illegal screen foul by Yellow 8.
FIBA OBRI 33.7. Illegal screening is when the player who is screening an opponent:
Was moving when contact occurred.
Did not give sufficient distance in setting a screen outside the field of vision of a
stationary opponent when contact occurred.
Did not respect the elements of time and distance of an opponent in motion when
contact occurred.
FIBA OBRI 33.15. Pushing is illegal personal contact with any part of the body where a player forcibly moves or attempts to move an opponent with or without the ball.
Outcome: incorrect decision from the referees. When Yellow 8 tries to set the screen, he was pushed by the defender Red 55. After this push, happens the contact between Red 12 and Yellow 8. Referees should have called illegal contact by the defensive player – Red 55.
Author: Oskars Lucis, ENBL Head of referees